Tuesday 1 November 2011



I lost..............  2.5 pounds :)

So yes, I am rather chuffed, considering I haven't had the best week, but I've got a feeling it's going to come back and bite me in the derrière next week, as my weight tends to be a bit slow (probably along with the rest of me really), so I'm expecting a small loss next week.

OK I know most people go to these weight groups and can lose around half a stone in their first week, but that's pretty much because their diet is so shockingly different (and they didn't drink lots of alcohol and have a few sneaky sausage rolls) to the one they've just started eating, so their body reacts. To be fair, I don't have the most rock'n'roll lifestyle when it comes to food, I do generally try and eat healthy, so my body hasn't had that massive shock.

I'm looking forward to getting in to it again this week though, as I have had the weekend where I couldn't fully commit, so I'm looking forward to baking and cooking up a storm!

Does anyone fancy me putting recipes and so on on here?
Any tips or suggestions? Would be amazing to hear!
Please subscribe if you can, feeling a bit lonely :(
Lots of love,
Fat Girl
P.S. Picture is from here <3 Going to do another blog post today on this website, one of my favourites!

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