Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Feeling Good :)

Hi everyone :)

So today I'm just doing a little post on feeling good!!

Today I am feeling GOOD! This is because I woke up and I was pretty much a shambles. I had no organisation in my life (which I HATE) and I just had to get myself sorted. As you know, I have a ton of work, and I have a placement to think about in January, and applying for jobs... All along with the money worries that come along with Christmas which is looming! Oh, and the fact that my niece is due TOMORROW! I'm very excited, but slightly nervous for that little arrival....
Anyway I've gone completely off topic there. I was saying how much I had to do... hmmm... anyway I came home from a full Reading Conference day on Phonics (head mashing I tell you, but extremely interesting), and I just needed to get my life and my head back on track.
So I started by roughly cleaning my room. It's a nightmare to keep my room tidy when I live with a messy boy, but I can't work well when everything is a complete mess. Then I got changed in to my PJ's, scraped my hair back in to a pony tail, and changed my contacts for my glasses. That's when you know I mean business!
Then I got down to work. I do have my dissertation due in in January, but, surprisingly, there are other more important and pressing things on my mind. Because I've somehow managed to do 6000/10000 words already for my dissertation, that can just hold for a while. I have a poster due in on the 9th December, for which I have to talk about Management and Leadership in the Early Years. Also, I have to start writing my letter of application (how scary is that, me with an actual job!!).
So first, I found it hard to get in to step, so I did a spider diagram of all the things I would want to include in my letter of application. I thought I've done nothing, but I've done so much!! I can't actually fit it all in, so I finished that, and emailed my tutor asking for some help. By then I felt like I'd accomplished quite a lot. But oh no, it's only the beginning!
Then, I had to get on with this poster. I am fully passionate about Philosophy For Children, so both my dissertation and poster are based upon it. I was finding it hard to come up with inspiration, so I emailed both of my past tutors asking for some advice. Wow, I mean 3 emails and a spider diagram?! Work done, right?! Wrong!!!
Then, I sat down, and I looked at what I'd already done. This was it. I knew if I could get my action plan done for my poster, I'd be away. Once I'd started, I could not stop!! I found information after information, I found some sort of inspiration and motivation inside of me, and now I have done my action plan, and pretty much done 3/4 of the front of my poster. This is big news. Massive. Considering before today I'd done less than 1/4.


And as Michael Buble sings so beautifully.... And I'm feeling Gooooooooooood ;)

Just thought I'd share my happiness with you all, and hope it is infectious!
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl

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