Friday 16 September 2011

Fall Fashion No 2 - Going out for fall!

Hey everyone :)
So we all know Fall is stepping in to place (or at least we definitely do in the North-West of England, it absolutely poured it down while I was at work today!).
However, it is also a time where universities are starting, and there are a lot of Freshers nights outs going on! I figure I would do a  'Going out for fall' blog as 'tébé' requested :) Can I just say, I have absolutely fallen in love with Forever 21 + UK. First I didn't even know we had Forever 21 in the UK, then I found out they do a plus range and my heart practically stopped. I love this online store, and they seem to know how to dress a larger lady, rather than just making all their skinny stuff in bigger sizes, because, let's face it, no matter how big a body con dress size will go up to, it will never suit me or my body shape!!

My first outfit is a classic look that will suit any larger lady!
This dress is absolutely gorgeous from Forever 21, and I think it will suit pretty much any shape. It's a fab length, that even I would consider wearing it without tights, but with the colder months creeping in, I would probably add black tights, to boost my confidence also!
It's only £18.75, and the way the dress is designed is to make you look like you have curves, but also to break your body up, and create the image that you are slimmer than you are! This dress definitely may be a buy for me (I'm a poor student, so can very rarely afford to buy the things I dream about!).

I teamed it with this necklace, also from Forever 21:
I can't believe it's only £3.15! That's so crazy! I 'love' this necklace, and this it's a good necklace to wear on a night out or just to jazz up a more casual outfit! I think this compliments the dress ewll as the dress is plain in it's style, so this is something a bit fancy!

The shoes I absolute adore also, and definitely am thinking of buying! They're, again, from Forever 21 (trying to show you can make a good outfit all from one store!!!)
They're classic and black, but a gorgeous patent feel. I think these are ideal because they keep your feet warm, you don't have to worry about your tights looking silly in a peep toe, and they're a core staple for every girl! Absolutely class. And they're only £18.75. Wow.

The next outfit is going to be more of a fun outfit, and I'm going to start of with this dress (I'm such a dress girl! If you want more pants/tops or skirts/tops combinations just let me know! I just can't help choosing such adorable dresses!)

This is also from Forever 21, and it costs £19.75. I think the colour is absolutely gorgeous, and I love that it comes with a wrap for around the waist, as I definitely need this to give me some shape. Without the wrap it would make me look like a tent! You could ditch the wrap and team it with a bold, black belt to make a statement, or a thinner black, leather, plaited belt. I would wear this with a pair of black tights or leggins (as I am very insecure about my legs) and either the shoes from above, or these shoes:
These shoes, also from Forever 21, are £22.75, and I think they offer a cute yet bold accompaniment to the floaty and girly dress. 

Finally, I'm doing a dress in a style I have wanted for a long time... Lace. No-where has ever done it properly, but then ASOS Curve popped up and I found this beauty. It is £50, which is quite a spend, and it's not in my favourite colour, but it's something different rather than black, it's in trend with the lace, and it gives a gorgeous figures as it slips in at the waist and flows out over the belly/bum.
As you can see in the picture, they have teamed it with black tights and shoes very similar to those I posted about from Forever 21 (see I told you I was good at this ;) hehe) but just for ideas, I will post some different shoe ideas:
I found these heels also on the ASOS website, but it says they're from River Island and they cost £45. OK they would be slightly different and risky... but I quite like it!! And it definitely in-keeps with the mustard trend this season, so will be useful for other outfits too.
These are also from the ASOS website, and they cost £40. These are the most beautiful blue colour, and with the black tights, they will compliment the dress and really pop, keeping the focus on the colour. Also, a huge trend in next season is colour blocking, so this outfit keeps with this idea extremely well.

Anyway, that's it for this blog, I hope this ideas are fab enough for you as they were for me! Give me lots of comment and feedback, as it would be greatly appreciated, as posts like this really do take some time and if you're not enjoying them I could be doing something else exciting for you! Or if you really like them and want more of them :)

Hope you're all keeping well and warm,
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl

Fall picture.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Bit of a mix really :)

Hey everyone :)

Hope everyone is well? Just checking in today with a few updates and bits and bobs really! 

Firstly, I did the second day of my '5 Step Fat Attack' today. I really enjoyed it again, and found it much easier that I sort of new all the moves already, so I didn't have to focus on learning them but actually doing them. I skipped the tone part though, as when I tried it on Tuesday (I think I said in my blog post) it really hurt my knees as I didn't have my yoga mat up at Lancaster, as it really hurt my joints just on the bare floor. I've brought it back home with me (I'm home early as I'm working tomorrow) and I'm going to try it out either tomorrow, or Saturday, depending on my timings! I almost want to do it again now, but I have washed my hair etc so don't really want to ruin that. I enjoyed it the second time though, which is something, considering the novelty is sort of taken out of it. Another problem was that, because I share a house in Lancaster, I don't do my workouts downstairs, but up in my room, and because I am a larger lady I do tend to bounce around... so I can make quite a lat of noise!! I just try to keep light on my feet, and I can't really do the jumps etc. Just something to keep in mind if your planning on doing exercise at home.

Yesterday I didn't blog as I had a busy day, it was my boyfriend's mum's 50th birthday party... And yes it didn't exactly end up with me sticking to the healthy eating. I've got in to a stupid habit of not eating through the day then eating tea... and yesterday night I definitely made up for not eating during the day! For example, today I woke up at 10.30am, and it is now 7.11pm and I haven't eaten today. I'm just starting to get a bit hungry... I know it's really wrong, but it's just been built in to me to not eat unless I'm hungry, and I can't get in to my head that this is bad for me... Surely not eating would result in you losing weight?! But as anyone who has ever tried to lose weight before, knows that if you eat nothing, your body goes in to starvation mode, and stores all your fat for fear of not getting any in the near future. I know all this information, and I know breakfast is my most important meal of the day as it kick starts my metabolism (which appears to be non-existent) and that you should eat little and often to boost your metabolism... but I just can't get over my thought-path of: not eating = losing weight. 

I also figure, that because I'm doing exercise on an empty stomach, I should definitely lose weight this week. I mean I'll weigh-in tomorrow, as I'm home, and let you know how it goes... But I suppose the fact I made up for not eating all yesterday last night (my food intake possibly consisted of 2 burgers, 2 portions of pie and a portion of chocolate fudge cake....) so I really don't know what my body is going to do this week. 

I'm going to do another fall fashion for everyone, any ideas on what kind of outfits you want me to do? Casual? Going out? Budget? It's so hard to dress nicely when your a bigger than the average girl, but I really do love my fashion, and I won't let being big defeat me!

Anyway, I hope everyone is well, and wrapping up warmly now it's getting in to colder Autumn months (I LOVE Autumn),
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl

P.S. The beautiful picture is from here. My new favourite website is We <3 it, it has the most beautiful and inspirational pictures on there! I can trawl through them for hours.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Day One: 5 Step Fat Attack!

(Granted this isn't me... But it will be soon!! Ha)

Hey everyone :)
So today I decided that I'm really gonna get a routine going for my fitness, because I really do love exercising (it's my love of food that let's me down) and I'm all down for a routine, being the most organised and routine-maker type person I know. So, I have 3 work-out DVDs, and to be honest, the first one I bought was a bit of a copout... It's called WAGS workout. Even from the name you know it's going to be naff, but when I bought it I was sucked in by the fact it had hair and outfit sections on it too!
It's pink and the girls are gorgeous, can anyone blame me?!

When I was doing Weight Watchers, I then bought their DVD (I had to stop as I'm constantly between Lancaster and Blackpool, and neither of the groups inspired me, and I lost a small amount of weight to easily put it all back on again... but that's just my experience of Weight Watchers!).

I must admit, I've done this DVD one or two times, and I did enjoy it. When I woke up today, I was heartbroken because I'd left it in Blackpool, and I was ready to do some fun exercise! So I looked at my DVD collection, and saw this little gem popping out at me.
It's called the '5 Step Fat Attack' and it features Claire Richards who used to be in the band Steps ( I don't know if they ever went to America, but they were absolutely huge here in the UK!). I liked the name, as it is definitely my aim to attack my fat, and I really like that there is a picture of her form before, and you can tell it's not been messed with too much, and - not being nasty - she really does look overweight, in fact she says she was just over 15 stone. I know I'm a bit more, but on the blurb in this she says in a year she went from being 15 stone, and is now back at her original size 10  body (as you can see in the picture), so I figure if it only took her a year, I'd happily get down to a size 12 or 14 in that space!
Here is a little video to show you about the video:

One of the benefits, was although it may not be the coolest revelation I've ever made, the moves were all to Steps music, and it was energetic and I maybe sang along... quite a lot! It also brought back lovely memories of being young. Also, the moves were mostly easy, although I found they did move through them quite quickly.
There's 5 steps to the video (like you wouldn't have guessed!):
 Warm Up (13 minutes approx) - OK so when I think of warm up, I think just a bit of light movement, but boy I was sweating after this! I know I'm not fit, but it really did work me out, although it obviously didn't tire me too much as I went on to do the rest of the DVD.
Aerobics (13 minutes approx) - If I wasn't sweating and red after the warm up, I was definitely after the aerobics! I found my calves were aching a lot, and because I am quite large, I didn't do it as energetically, so instead of bouncing around I just stepped around, I don't think my ankles or my floor would have taken much more! When I've previously been to aerobics classes, I've found them quite hard to follow, but this I enjoyed and found it relatively easy and it definitely got my heart going.
Combat (18 minutes approx) - This part was really fun for me, as I thoroughly enjoy boxing and would really love to take it up at a boxing club (although my exceptional lack of confidence won't allow me) so it was fun being able to do it in my own home with no-one watching. I enjoyed it, but at first I felt a bit naff punching the air, but I realised I wasn't giving it enough welly, and I just imagined certain people's faces, ensured my other hand was close to my face, and really got in to it! This was the only part of the DVD where I found the combinations quite difficult to keep up with, but seeing as it was only my first attempt, I'm sure with a couple more goes I'll be a pro!
Tone (10 minutes approx) - So this I enjoyed but found really difficult. I definitely need to invest in a yoga mat, as my floor was less than welcoming to my joints, so I found it hard to join in on the press ups and planks (as my knees, elbows and toes were literally in so much pain) and also, they moved quite quickly, and when your carrying around an extra 7 stone it's hard to keep up with them. Although I found it difficult, I really think it will benefit me. I mean at the moment I find it hard to think about toning anything up, because I just want to lose it all, but I suppose it's good for keeping skin taught and maybe actually getting some tone and strength.
Cool Down (10 minutes approx) - I tell you, even though I loved doing this work out DVD, I have never been as happy as I was to see 'Cool Down' pop up on my TV! I am most definitely knackered, but somehow have a bit of energy installed in me (It doesn't make sense to me, but I don't mind it at all!). The cool down was OK, as far as cool downs can go! The only thing I found slightly difficult was the bit where he goes in to bending over, and then I'm not watching the TV, I'm still bending while everyone else has moved on to something else, and I got completely lost. Once again, I think that will get better when I have done the work out a bit more and grow to understand it.

You can really tell how much I like this DVD, as I literally have jumped straight on to my MacBook to tell you all how much I loved it! I haven't even had a shower (gross!!). I also enjoyed it being Claire from Steps, as I watched a program about her struggle with her weight-loss and really related to her, so I know she hasn't had any quick fixes, and I felt like this may actually work for me. I'm so excited to do it at least 4 times a week, if I can't squeeze it in every day (something I forgot to mention is you can choose to do a certain amount of sections, or do all 5!) so I should be able to fit it in somehow.

Does anyone else have any amazing get fit videos they can share (keep in mind I'm very much a beginner, not so much that I've not done exercise before, but just that I'm still unfit, and very much so overweight).

I hope this inspires you to do some exercise today, as it's made me happy and I feel like I can take on anything after doing it! Don't just take my word for it though, read a massive amount of brilliant reviews here (at the bottom of the page).
I'm off for a shower,
Lots of Love
Fat Girl

P.S. Legs picture from here. Wag's Workout picture from here. Weight Watchers picture from here. (And I seriously couldn't get a better quality picture...). 5 Step Fat Attack picture from here.

Monday 12 September 2011

Woohoo :) And Weigh-in...

Hey everyone!
I'm chuffed as I finally have 10 followers :) To some that might seem very little, and not much of an accomplishment, but to me it means the world! So thanks to each and every one of you who has followed me :) I really appreciate it! I have enjoyed blogging so much so far :)

Also... big results of the weigh-in.... I lost a whole pound. I could get down-hearted about this, but I'm not. I've decided at some point in the near future I am going to go to the doctors and ask for lots of tests to be carried out on me to see if there is any reason why it is so difficult for me to lose weight, and if not, if I lose a pound a week for 2 years I will go from 246 pounds (17 stone 8 pounds) to 142 pounds (10 stone 2 pounds), and even if I never get that thin, then even if I make it just over half way I will be happy!

Can anyone share their success stories?
Lots of Love,
Keep Smiling,
Fat Girl

P.S. Picture is from here.

Friday 9 September 2011

Inspiration and Motivation.

I guess this morning I woke up, and I thought 'enough is enough'. So I figure I've been doing this blog for 2 weeks now, but have had no real improvement on my weight. I've found previously that it is really difficult for me to lose weight, and they say that bigger people lose quicker, but not in my case. I work really hard for just a pound to come off at the end of the week, and although any off is better than any on, but, frankly, it just annoys me.
So I've decided... This week (except from Saturday night as it is my 5 year anniversary with my boyfriend and we are going out for tea) that I'm going to eat hardly anything (just enough so my body doesn't think it is starving), drink LOADS of water, and try and work out as much as I can. I really love running (pah who would have EVER thought I'd say that) but I'm the most self-conscious person you will ever meet, and I find it difficult to go running through the streets, and I can't afford the £6.30 a time to go to the gym, or even the £25 a month fee. So I have a few workout videos which I am going to get in to a routine of doing.
Considering it is my anniversary on Saturday (tomorrow! ahh!) and we are going to a Pizza Express restaurant (yummy) I am going to really try today, and then up until next Saturday. If I see no results then I have made up my mind and I am going to the doctors and demand to have lots of tests run on me. I know it may sound drastic, but I am really getting fed up. *folds arms and lets a tear roll down her face*

So I thought, what I really need in moment's like this, is inspiration and motivation. So I'm going to post a few pictures and sayings that really help me!

"Isn't fun the best thing to have?!" Dudley Moore in the film 'Arthur'.

This picture is believed to prove that fairies exist. Arthur Conan Doyle saw these pictures and was convinced fairies existed. Although I'm not stating to believe in fairies, I think it's lovely to believe what you think is possible. Belief is everything.

"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you'll always be in the same place." I don't know who that's by but I love it.

"For hope is but the dream of those that wake." Matthew Prior

But finally... I will leave you with this thought...
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl

Thursday 8 September 2011

Food On The Move

Hi everyone!
So in the UK, this week pretty much all the schools and colleges have been starting back (although most universities don't start until between 19th September and 7th October!) so I thought it would be a good idea for us to all share some healthy lunch ideas! I absolutely adore the picture above, as it shos a healthy, balanced lunch in such a cute way! I love the way they have put the grapes and the hard boiled egg in little silicone cupcake holders. You can find silicone cupcake holders here (they do the most adorable flower, teddy bear and heart shaped ones from there!) and here. Although the silicone ones may be more expensive (the fun-shaped ones on the first website around around £13, and the colourful one's on the second website are around £7) they are re-usable, and you can just wash them out and use them the next day!! Also, the cupcake case won't get soggy. If these are too far out of your price range, then paper cupcake holders can work just as well, although they aren't as sturdy, but they still look adorable! You can find them here (for a miniscule 60p!) and here.

So, I have always find it difficult when it comes to lunches, as I am really not bothered by bread. I know a lot of people are obsessed with it and it's their weakness, but for me I'd rather have my burger without the bun! Naturally, this means that I'm not really a sandwich eater. Although a lot of people think bread is awful for you, if you pick the right bread, and don't eat too much, it's absolutely fine.
I really enjoy the Warburtons Seeded Batch Bread:
It has a special mix of five seeds, and I dislike brown and wholemeal bread, but this tastes absolutely beautiful! 
So to put on this bread, I would use a spread like Flora Light. This has only 35 calories per 10g, whereas the Flora Buttery has 63 calories. 

Ideas to put on your sandwich:
Chicken, light mayo, and salad.
Ham salad.
Egg and light mayo.
Tuna with vinegar.
Cream cheese and chives.
Beef and mustard.
Spicy chicken and onions.
Bacon (as long as it is lean with all visible fat cut off).
Prawn and light mayo.
Chicken and lean bacon.
Chicken and pesto mayonnaise (for the recipe for pesto mayonnaise, just add a small amount of pesto to a light mayonnaise, and make it as strong/weak as you like it!)
Ham and pineapple.
Vegetable sandwich - grilled vegetable such as peppers, mushrooms, aubergine, and a a little goat's cheese if you fancy!

If you have more time to make something for you lunch, then here are a few ideas:
Jacket potatoes with various fillings - baked beans, a small amount of grated cheese, tuna and light mayonnaise, leftover chilli con carne, and practically anything that you can put on your sandwiches too!
Pasta - If you have a microwave you can get hold of, you can make pasta the night before and then just heat it up in the microwave! Or ask the kitchen staff if they can heat it up for you (but make sure you put it in a microwavable dish!) You can do any kind of pasta, tomato, tuna and mayo, the list is endless really. We made one on holiday once where we put in sliced up lean ham, boiled egg, peppers, a small amount of light mayo, and a small amount of grated, half fat cheese. It was absolutely delicious! It also didn't feel like a 'healthy' meal, but it really was!
Salads - OK so salads are obviously the key word when you think of 'diet' or 'healthy eating', but they don't have to be boring! Mine can end up boring, because I dislike tomatoes and olives, but I love cucumber, so make up for it with that! You can add feta cheese, grated half fat cheese, any form of lean meat, peppers, mushrooms, onions, a few Baked crisps, some avocado, beet-root, the list is endless! 
Last night's leftovers - As I am training to be a teacher, I found a lot of the teacher's brought in the left over's from their meals the night before! I though this was such a good idea, as when you are cooking your tea, you just have to add a bit extra, and then your lunch is already made for the next day! There were all sorts of exotic things being brought in, such as chilli con carne, lamb stew, chicken and cous cous, and so much more! If you ensuring your eating a healthy meal at night too, then why not have it for lunch the next day?!

The list for snack ideas are absolutely endless, but I thought I would share some with you anyway, I have always been told to eat 5 times a day, and that doesn't necessarily mean 5 meals a day, but 3 small meals, and 2 snacks, one at about 11am and one at about 3 or 4pm. This will stop you over-indulging at your meals, and keep you fuller for longer!
Grapes, Strawberries, Pineapple, any kind of fruit, nuts (unsalted, and preferably almonds and walnuts), hard boiled eggs, raisins, a small amount of granola, a packet of crisps such as Wotsits, Skips, French Fries, or the Baked crisps I mentioned earlier, as they are low in calories (most under 100kcal) and make you still feel like you have something naughty to eat! Also, I was told, especially because I eat very little calcium (dislike milk and yoghurt unfortunately) so for me it is good to have a small block of cheese, so something like a Baby Bell, or Cheese-string is good to keep your calcium levels up!

And finally, although I have not raved about these on my blog so far, I rave about them all the time on my personal facebook and twitter (my twitter for this site is @FatGirl_89) I am waiting to get my WATER BOBBLE! My boyfriend has ordered me one for my birthday (The 18th September, incase you are interested haha!) and I am so excited for it! You fill it up with tap water, and it has an in-built filter system where it filters your water for you. Obviously water is extremely important for you, and your skin and has loads of health benefits (Would you be interested in a post on the benefits of water etc? Let me know in a comment!!) so a bottle like this would be great to take to school/college as you can just fill it up with any old tap water! 

Anyway, I hope those are some good starter ideas, I'm going to be doing more about food on the move in the future so keep up to date! Let me know if you have any good recipes or good food on the move ideas :)
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl 

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Book Worm ~~~

After the positive comments about my last Book Worm, I figured I would definitely keep going with the series!

I actually wasn't feeling too well yesterday, so I spent the whole day reading 'The Chocolate Lover's Diet' by Carole Matthews, and finished it!
A tempting 8/10.
When I said about the four characters might get me confused, Matthews works really well at not confusing the reader, and not once did I get confused! I also really enjoyed reading about the four girl's stories, and although it did split itself in to chapters about each girl, the story was mainly about the character 'Lucy Lombard', and whenever it was her chapters is came from the 1st person, whereas all the other girls are in the 3rd person, so you do feel a closer connection to Lucy. The story is about four girls who belong to 'The Chocolate Lover's Club', and follows their stories. Lucy is a hopeless romantic, and it is all about her journey between her ex-fiance Marcus, and her boss Aidan 'Crush' Holby. Autumn's story is about her new boyfriend 'Addison', her job in a drug centre, and her brother 'Richard' and his struggle with drugs himself. Chantal's story is with her, her husband Ted, and her various lovers. Finally, Nadia's story includes her son, Lewis, and her husband, Toby, who is addicted to gambling online. You can't help but fall in love with these four character's, and especially as a chocolate lover myself, I related when they had troubles, the first thing they reached for was chocolate, and their friendships! Although, it did make me strongly crave chocolate!!

I also forgot (oops!) to add another book to my first Book Worm, not through any fault of the book's, as I thoroughly enjoyed it, but just through the sheer amount of books I had! The book is called 'Sweet Temptation' by Lucy Diamond.
An invigorating 8/10.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book (as I said before) and cannot believe I left it out of my first Book Worm! When I was talking about the fact that I like to follow just the singular character more than a few characters, this book definitely re-writes that idea. You follow the lives of three women who end up going to Fat Busters Club, and join forces in trying to lose weight. The first girl, Maddie, works at a Radio Station, and her bitchy, skinny boss ends up persuading/forcing her to fat busters, live on the radio! Jess is in a down and out relationship, although she is clinging on with every hope. She's desperate to get married and cannot see where her relationship is failing. She is a beautician, and her nasty boss also influences her to go to Fat Buster's. Last but not least is Lauren, who runs a dating website but is finding it difficult to find love herself! She falls for one of her clients, but finds that maybe looks aren't everything. I definitely recommend this book, but just be aware that the the books switches and changes through the characters, and it took me a while to realise that at first, and I got quite confused! It was another book, along with 'Mum On The Run' (reviewed here.) by Fiona Gibson, that inspired me to lose weight and begin running!

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this Book Worm, and get to read some of these books! Let me know if you've read them or if you have any other similar books that I could read!
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl

P.S. The Chocolate Lover's Diet
Sweet Temptation.

Monday 5 September 2011

Fall clean out! And food diary :)

Hi everyone!
So today I have travelled back up to my house at my University, as my boyfriend has just got a job here, so it was nice to come and see him, and come and live back in my house for a while! Although I love my parents to bits, and enjoy all my home comforts, I really enjoy having the independence up here (although I HATE having to do all the chores!!).
Anyway, even though I came back last night, we ended up just crawling in to bed and catching up on lots of TV (X-Factor, Red or Black and The Jonathan Ross Show, anybody else watch them?) so I had all my unpacking and tidying up to do today! Seeing as I was in the mood to sort all my things out (and I brought an awful lot of things back!) I decided to clear out all of our wardrobe and sets of drawers that we have. I began with the wardrobe, and I decided to get mean. As you all know, I'm a larger girl trying to lose weight, so keeping hold of clothes that don't fit me anymore (unfortunately none that are too big .... YET) and those that just don't suit my body type seemed pretty pointless, no matter how much I loved them! I got rid of a few items of clothing that I bought, that were in trend, and fit, but just did not suit me. I also got rid of a lot of the boyfriend's t-shirts that he doesn't wear, I think he has more clothes than me!!
Although I'm now 2 large plastic bags of clothes down, I feel so much better and almost like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, as everything in my wardrobe I know fits me and I will feel confident in, so there's no kidding myself anymore!
I even arranged my whole wardrobe properly. OK so it doesn't quite look like the picture, but that's the sort of style I've gone for! It's only small and has to fit both of our clothes in, so it's quite jam-packed, but I started off with, from left to middle (my section is on the left hand side of the wardrobe):
My maxi dress (just as it is long it doesn't get caught on anything), then all my jackets, jumpers and hoodies, going from dark to light, then my dresses, going from dark to light, then my tops and t-shirts, going from dark to light, and then my skirt (notice the singular there!).
I also did my boyfriend's section of the wardrobe (what a nice girlfriend ;) And I know it's never going to stay like this, but I feel better knowing that I did it!!). From the right hand side of the wardrobe going in to the middle is his jackets, from dark to light, any suit pants, from dark to light, his shirts, from dark to light, his t-shirts, from dark to light and then his suit. I probably should have put his suit on the outside, but it's hanging in a suit protective case type thing, and I figure it's a good way of marking the middle of the wardrobe, where my stuff ends and his begins!

So I definitely feel better for doing that. I also figure I would post about the food I have eaten today:
Breakfast: OK, so I got up at 11.30am. I know that seems so lazy, but I only got 5 hours of sleep the night before, so I figured it would be best to catch up on my sleep and not be grumpy, while I had nothing specific on! I didn't get chance to have any breakfast, but I had a glass of Robinson's Summer Fruits No Added Sugar Squash.

Lunch: The joys of the University lifestyle means that you don't have much money, not many cupboards or fridge space (I share a house with 4 other people!) and irregular eating patterns, so it is a HUGE challenge to eat healthily. I ate a packet of Barbecued Beef Super Noodles (with extra herbs and mild chili powder for some more taste) and 3 jaffa cakes, along with some more Summer Fruits Squash.

Tea: One of our favourite foods is tuna, so when my boyfriend asked for a tuna pasta bake for tea, I was more than willing to cook it, as it is yummy and healthy :) I got a Coleman's packet, and what you had to do was cook the pasta, drain it, then pour the spices from the packet in a saucepan, and gradually add 3/4 pint of milk to it, stirring continuously, wait for it to boil, then add the drained tuna and sweetcorn, then mix in the pasta. Then you put it in a dish, and sprinkle some (half fat!) cheese on top, and (strangely enough) a packet of ready salted crisps, and put it under the grill until golden brown. The other's thought I was mad for doing it, but the crisps gave that extra crunch, and meant you didn't have to add much salt!  Anyway, with that I had more cordial and another jaffa cake.

As you can see, I don't try and kid myself thinking I can eat lettuce leaves all the time, but I really do try and make healthy decisions. I most definitely had a smaller portion than the two boys that ate with me (they can eat SO much!) and I really tried to curb my snacking.
As I am not going home until Friday, I shall be doing my weigh-in on Saturday ( I have to do it in the morning as it is not consistent!). Does anyone have any good pasta recipes they can share? Or any tips for clearing out their closet?
Hope you are all keeping well!
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl

P.S. Closet Picture.
Super Noodles Picture.
Squash Picture.
Pasta Bake Picture.

Friday 2 September 2011

Book Worm :) And weigh-in...

Hi guys and girls :)

I've been reading a lot of books lately that centre around women and being over weight and wanting to lose weight and so on... So I thought I'd share them with you :D
The first book I read about 3 years ago, which is still one of my favourite books, is called Jemima J. By Jane Green.
Definitely 10/10.
It's an absolutely fabulous book that had me laughing hysterically in some parts (seriously, I was reading it while on holiday in Spain and my boyfriend couldn't understand why I was laughing so hard, and when I tried to read him the part of the story I was laughing at, I couldn't because I just couldn't stop laughing!!!) It's about a young woman called Jemima J (of course) who is over weight and dreams of being a journalist, but works at the local paper 'The Kilburn Herald'. It's all about her love life and her awkward-ness in society. She re-invents herself and the book has a fantastic twist at the end! But I won't ruin it for you. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and as I said before, it had me laughing out loud the whole way through. As a larger girl, I related to an awful lot of it. I found the bit about cliche's hilarious, you'll know what I mean if you have/do read it!

The next book I am going to tell you about is called 'Making It Big' by Lyndsay Russell.
A good 7/10.
I loved this book, although it was less realistic (It has a few funny twists, without ruining anything for you!). It's about Sharon Plunkett who is overweight (a mere 16 1/2 stone... pfft... but I'll get to that later) and ends up going through with a Hollywood Magic Remedy to her weight... and it ends up that, instead of society accepting that the slimmer the girls, the better, it's the bigger the girls the better! Although I found this book hilarious, and it really made me almost accept my body and appreciate it a bit more, I found that it sort of made me want to eat more - because they want girls to be bigger they eat all these wonderful things, and I just ended up drooling and feeling like I should eat something! Definitely recommend it as a read though.

The next book is called 'Mum on the Run' by Fiona Gibson.
An inspiring 8/10.
This book has seriously made me take up running. OK so I've been about 5 times in the past 3 weeks, but that's more than I've ever been in my life! This is about a Mum called Laura Swan, and it starts off with her attending her children's sports day, and the Mum's race being called for. I won't ruin it for you, but it's hilarious! This then inspires her to take running, and it's all about her, as a novice, taking up running. OK so it sort of gave me unrealistic expectations of my starting out running (She can run relatively far on her first go, I can run a minute and a half and I'm done...) but it still did give me the inspiration. Also, she talks about how 'fat' she is and I think she's about a size 16... Which is the average size for a woman in the UK, and definitely made me sort of resent her character.

One to watch....
So I've literally read about 20 pages of a new book now, Its called 'The Chocolate Lover's Diet' by Carole Matthews. If you know these books, you will probably be confused as apparently this isn't the first book in the series, but my Mum read it after it was given to her and she gave it me to read! 
It looks good, and reads good so far. The only thing I'm a bit critical about is that it follows four girls stories. I know four stories isn't that many to follow, but I really do prefer it when there's just one heroine to the story, as you get to know her really well and feel like she's your friend at the end (or at least I did with the other three!) and, OK, so I know four stories doesn't sound that taxing, but it's when it starts involving all the names of exes, new boys, family members, pets and so on, I do tend to get confused. When reading a book like this I do expect no hardship of having to remember names etc. I just want an easy read! BUT I am not saying this specific book is going to be difficult... It's just my opinion of when it's happened in other books! This might be my favourite book of them all!

And as you may have realised... Yes it is Friday and that means weigh-in day. Yes I weighed myself. As you can probably tell by the non-excitedness about telling you, and how it's at the bottom of my blog that it isn't the best news. Well it's not particularly bad, but I still weigh 17 stones 9 pounds. I figure it may be the sugar coated doughnuts and chips I had at the Pleasure Beach last Sunday. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know if you would like more kind of posts like this book worm post, and if you liked the fall fashion post!! Also, if you have any books to recommend :)
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl