Monday 31 October 2011

Oh the anticipation!

Hey everyone :)

So I'm sat in my room waiting nervously to go to Slimming World... which doesn't start for another 2 hours and 15 minutes. Hmmmm.... I can't eat until after that either, and it's killing me!! I have eaten hardly anything today to be as light as possible on the weighing scales, but I've got a feeling I'm not going to have done amazingly. This could possibly be due to the copious amounts of alcohol and minor amounts of sausage rolls I consumed on Saturday night.

We went out to a halloween party for my friend's birthday, and had an absolutely fantastic time. It's the first time in years I've properly dressed up for it, and was something scary too! I always think Halloween costumes should be scary... just my bias though! Here I am in my zombie state (although I looked much more like a zombie the morning after with the red blood on my face staining it and my hair in worse condition!!!)

I will hopefully post more pictures up soon when they have been put on facebook (I do have a camera, but I'm useless at being photographer so never really end up taking them and let other people do all the work...). Obviously I was quite paranoid about being a bit of a fat zombie (you don't tend to get many fat zombies really...) but I had an amazing night and we had some fab reactions to the costumes.

What we did was bought a massive white men's t-shirt (I bought mine from Matalan in size XXL - this one is the same one as mine, but in grey, I don't know why they don't have the white one online, because it was definitely only £4!!) and cut it all up, then got some fake blood from the pound shop, and sort of spilt it everywhere in no particular fashion. Then I wore it with black leggins, and bought 3 bandages from Asda at about 87p each, and then spilt some fake blood on them, and tied one round each leg and one round my arm (you can almost see it in the picture) and I wore this with some black, suede wedges from New Look! 

I had my hair ombered/dipped/whatever you want to call it on Friday night and I absolutely love it! It felt great when I had straightened then backcombed all of my hair! It took an awfully long time, an excessive amount of hairspray and a lot of Osis+ mattifying powder to get it that way, but it finally got some volume ha! 

Anyway, I've taken up 15 minutes of my time writing this blog, as I'm literally counting down the time until I can go, get weighed, and EAT!

Lots of Love,
Have a super Halloween!!!!
Fat Girl 

P.S. The picture is from here :)

Friday 28 October 2011

Day 4 and feeling chocolate-ey!!

Hello my dear followers,
As you all know, I have started Slimming World, and I am currently on Day 4. I have done it before, and it has worked, so I'm excited, but, and I don't really understand why, there's been someone (or more specifically someTHING) that is getting in between me and my new skinny self.
That big, gooey, sweet, gorgeous, scrumptious, delicious thing is called 'chocolate'.
Now, I have ALWAYS had a sweet tooth for as long as I can remember. Who on earth would rather have a packet of crisps or a can of pop when they go to the shop over some gooey, sticky chocolate!? If you do, you are definitely a bit mental.

Anyway... I recently went off chocolate so much, I would find I very rarely ate it and didn't enjoy it as much, and this is because whenever I ate it, I would get absolutely mind-numbing toothache on the left side of my face. No joke, I couldn't finish a chocolate bar without getting it, it's not even as if I was gorging myself then getting it! Even after a measly 2 bar kit-kat the pain would attack. Surprisingly, this had a negative affect on my chocolate habit, and although I still adored it, I would eat a lot less of it.

Then I found Sensodyne.... Oh dear oh dear. Don't get me wrong, the toothpaste is amazing, but that's just my problem! Only when I eat a massive bar of Dairy Milk Caramel (which of course I haven't done... ahem...) then does my tooth start to hurt, but it's no where near as bad! So I am once again back on to my chocolate obssession.

Oh dear, some of you may be thinking, this is not good, as she has just started Slimming World and is only on her 4th day... I know, I know. It's tough. I had a teeny tiny Milky Bar yesterday, it weighed 69g and was 3 1/2 Syns. I am allowed between 5 and 15 a day. So that's got to count in all my butter, mayo, ketchup, oil and so on. Most things aren't too bad Syns wise, like I could have a portion of chicken in oyster sauce with boiled rice from the Chinese for 4 Syns! That's only 1/2 more than the bleeding Milky Bar!!

So I just thought I'd blog about my frustration with chocolate. Oh how I love you, but oh how you hate me. I have previously given up chocolate for lent... It was possibly the toughest experience of my life, but I did it!
Anyone have any ideas on how to curb my cravings for chocolate?!
Oh and my twitter is @CharlMathews so please follow me and I'll follow you back! What do you guys think about me starting videos? Also, I may become un-anonymous, which will obviously happen if I do videos... What do you think?! PLEASE let me know!!
Lots of Love, and Keep Smiling :)
Fat Girl
P.S. Picture is from here :)

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Day 2 of Slimming World :)

Hey everyone!
So I finally did it, I took the big plunge... I joined Slimming World (cough... again... cough!). I decided not to let anyone in the group know that I've been before, because I wanted to see it as a fresh start for myself, and because I've not been properly since I was 18 (4 years ago now! Cripes where does the time go!) there's been quite a few changes, so I wanted to be able to ask silly easy questions and just get in to the group feeing again :)

So when I got there, it was about 7.35pm on a cold, dark, wet Monday night, and when I pulled up (yes I drove... I know I shouldn't but I was worried about how to get there etc so figured it would be easier my first time!) I was kinda confused about where to go in. Thankfully two women in a car pulled up and went inside so I just followed them in. They'd already started the newbie talk (woops! I was late because I waited, damn!) so I just casually sat down and listened to the rest. The diet is an amazing diet, I know so many people who do it and have lots copious amounts of weight and kept it off, and I know from previous experience that I enjoy this diet and I can actually succeed in it.

From previous groups, I noticed a huge change, everyone seemed welcoming and the leader actually seemed enthusiastic about the program. I think because certain people have been in the job for so long, they can get complacent, and this is NOT very inspiring, but my leader certainly is. Not only have I already received an email from her wishing me good luck, she also said she would phone to see how we would be getting on! The group seemed very welcoming, and during the whole class meting they were all joining in and having fun chatting to one another. I must say, I am extremely shy so I'm going to have to try to put myself out there a bit and make some new friends, because everyone seems so lovely.

Surprisingly, there were 3 males that went (as usually the groups are just jam-packed with women), one was the leader's brother and the other was his friend, and on Monday they had both reached their '2 and a half stone award'. Wow, inspiring! The other was a young lad, maybe 11 or 12, who received his 'stone and a half award'! These men are utterly inspiring! There were also a lot of women who got awards, but the one I was most inspired by, was a girl not much different to my age, who had her year anniversary of joining Slimming World the week before, and received her '5 and a half stone award' on Monday. Now that's crazy. She really was a massive inspiration, and I just keep telling everyone about her, because it makes me think that I could actually do this. I could actually lose this weight.

I have been a bit worried recently, because, although I know I'm morbidly obese and it's one of the side affects, but I have been exceptionally tired all the time at the moment. Paired with this, I have also been experiencing and extremely overactive bladder. Just typing about it makes me need a wee. I can't decide if I'm painfully tired because I have to keep getting up for the loo (the other night I had to get up five... yes FIVE times to go to the loo) or if it's something else. I started googling my symptoms, and then a bit of dread waved over me. My mum has diabetes, and she's about 1 1/2 stone overweight and eats relatively healthy. I am 7 1/2 stone over weight (I weighed in at 17 stone 12 1/2 pounds by the way) so this massively increases my chances of getting it. I was going to go to the doctors, but as my mum is diabetic, she has one of those pin prick things for your finger to tell your blood sugars. Unfortunately she's run out and is waiting on her prescription, so I'm nervously waiting until I can have that done. I desperately hope I don't have diabetes, but it would be something to make me realise how unhealthy I am. I know it seems strange, but I'm morbidly obese, yet apart from that, my body is healthy in every form. It almost inhibits me from dieting vigorously because there's nothing too much wrong with me now... I just need a bit of a kick up the back side to be perfectly honest.

Anyway, let me know if you would like a detailed description of the Slimming World diet, and I'll be hopefully doing another blog this week with how I'm getting on and some of the meals I've been making!
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl
P.S. I'm sorry I've not been posting an awful lot, I have been doing my dissertation today and I used 103 post-it notes and ran out 2 pens worth of ink. I'm extremely busy but really trying to carry on blogging. Love you all and keep smiling!
P.P.S. The picture is :)

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Slimming World

Hi everyone!

I know I'm probably annoying a lot of people by not really posting all too much, but it's so difficult with being back at university. I am in schools on Monday and Tuesday, I have lectures on a Friday, and I have a 10,000 word dissertation along with lots of other work due in in January so that takes up pretty much the rest of my time! Oh, and I work Saturdays and Sundays.

I just thought I'd blog to inform you all that I've decided to start back on Slimming World next Monday. I decided this weekend, but I already had plans this Monday (which was rather annoying, as the meeting isn't until 7.30pm at night, which means I wouldn't be ready to go out until 9pm and that's far too late to eat tea!) so I'm starting this Monday. It's almost dangerous knowing your going to start something next Monday, as it is difficult not to go round eating everything that I want this week because I'm going to have limit things and obviously really try hard to lose the weight.

Although I have all the information for Slimming World (as I have done it before) and could do the diet without going to the meeting every week and paying, I find the meetings help me 100%. It keeps m focused, and also the knowledge that you're going to be weighed every week by someone you don't really know is quite scary, and when you think about eating something naughty, you always remember the moment of being weighed and can usually not eat it!

As I say, I have done Slimming World before, and many of you will be thinking "If it didn't work for you before, why is it going to work now?" Well to be honest, it did work. I've done it twice before, the first time when I was 18, I lost about a stone, but then it was my boyfriend's 18th birthday and Christmas, and I just let myself go and put it all back on again. I also did it about 6 months ago, but I had problems with getting to meetings and being able to afford them. Luckily my mum has said she will pay for them this time (Thank you Mummy!) so I don't have to worry about that.

For anyone that doesn't know about Slimming World, I am a bit rusty, but it used to be red and green days (yonks ago) and you had to either have lots of potato, pasta, and other such carbohydrates, but you had to limit the amount of meat you had on a green day, or on a red day you could eat as much lean meat as you want, and limit your carbohydrates. There still are red and green days, but they have created something called an orange day where you can have unlimited carbohydrates (not bread though) and unlimited lean meat. You also have an 'a' and 'b' choice, which counters in for your calcium, so cheese, milk and so on. Finally, you get a certain amount of 'Syns' a day, and this is where you can count in your chocolate, or crisps, or full fat butter or oil and so on. You definitely get enough of these Syns to not feel like you are missing out, but you have to use them wisely! You could technically have a Mars Bar every day, but then you couldn't counter in any other things.

Anyway, I will know more next Monday, and I will let you know how the weigh-in goes, how the meeting is and what kind of literature I get to read!

Wish me luck :)
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl

P.S. Picture is from here.
P.P.S. I don't have any association with Slimming World, I just really like it as a diet!

Friday 7 October 2011

I'm sorry

Hey Guys and Dolls,

I know it must have been something like 3 weeks since my last blog, and I am truly and deeply sorry. I have just started back at University in my fourth and final year, so as you may have guessed I've been pretty busy and tired. I also moved back in to my university house, so I'm now cooking all my meals, doing laundry, ironing and so on (and for 2 people!) again now, so I am finding it difficult to keep writing so much. Also, when you're attempting a 10,000 word dissertation, it's nice to just leave your laptop for a while and chill.

Needless to say, I have been also finding it difficult to lose weight, as student life pretty much consists of take-aways and alcohol (only at nights.... I promise!), but the good news is I actually haven't put any weight on, which is pretty damn good, especially seeing as it's been my 22nd birthday as well.

I'm finding it really difficult to get back in to a healthy lifestyle. My student kitchen i s never the most pleasant place to be (I live with 4 rather... messy... people) so I find it really difficult to get motivated and start cooking when everything is not in the right place. Also, as most students will know, money is tight. It's not as easy as just buying what's good for you, it's a case of what you can afford, and frozen meals definitely lead for a cheaper more inexpensive lifestyle.

Never the less... I am going to try. I really am. My sister is due on the 30th November, and it's coming up to Christmas and my mum has set me the challenge of getting down to 16 stone 7 pounds by then. I don't want to be a bad role model for my soon-to-be neice, and I graduate in less than a year now, and I fear that my size will affect my chances of a job. Really, it's now or never.

So here goes.....

Lots of Love,
Fat Girl

P.S. Picture is from here.