Wednesday 24 August 2011

No fizzy pop challenge.

Yesterday I decided I was going to give up one of my main loves... fizzy pop! I absolutely adore diet coke, lemonade, irn bru, you name it, I love it! But my boyfriend's brother gave it up, and after 2 weeks his skin has really cleared up and he has lost some weight. Don't get me wrong, I'm only doing it for a month, and I'll see how I get on and then I aim to just have a glass or two for a treat on a special occasion. My trusty friend Wikipedia has told me that fizzy pop can lead to obesity, diabetes and low nutrient levels, and considering I'm already obese, I'm in fear of getting diabetes (my Mum has it) and I probably suffer from low nutrient levels, I figure I'm a sucker for drinking it. Fizzy pop has also been linked to dental decay (one can of full-fat coca-cola has 8 tea spoons of sugar in it!!), Hypokalemia (low potassium levels), and even a low bone density, due to the phosphoric acid in some fizzy pop replacing some of the calcium in your bones. Scary stuff.

So far.. after starting the challenge 5 hours ago (I woke up at 11.30am) I've been  OK, I've only had orange cordial. But I doubt this week is going to phase me too much, it's going to be mainly when I go out for a few drinks, and I'll pretty much have to drink wine, when I go out for meals, and if I'm not drinking, I'll have to drink cordial, and when I go to work, I'll just have to get a bottle of water (until I hopefully get my Water Bobble for my birthday!).

I'm so excited for my tea (sad I know) but one of our staple foods when at university, is chicken, wrapped in bacon, with BBQ sauce over the top and a bit of grated cheese on! It's absolutely amazing. I'm craving the BBQ sauce so bad. OK so I know it's probably the most healthy meal, but it was that, or burgers, or pizza.... so can I be commended for choosing the (sort of) most healthy option?! No?! OK, well I don't mind because it will taste so good!!

Not sure whether we are going home Thursday night or Friday afternoon yet, so depending on when I go home is depending upon when I weigh myself and let you know the (dreaded) results!

Keep smiling
Fat Girl

P.S. Picture is from here.


  1. I love your blog! I followed you! Please check out mine the link is . Follow me? Thanks

  2. hey! I like your blog a lot! I started a blog, like you did, to help me through the dieting process, it is really a great idea to share and see how many people go through the same as you are!
    If you're interested go check my blog!

  3. Thanks girls!! Going to check both your blogs and follow now :) xox
