Tuesday 23 August 2011


It's not fair when you're trying to be good and then along pops a shop with a display that looks like this...

I did find it very hard to just order my jacket potato with tuna and cheese and not add on "And one of those GIANT eclairs" because I am most definitely a sucker for fresh cream. *licks lips at thought*

OK so I know it's no good me moaning at you, as that is not going to be much fun to read at all. 

Top tips for today:
- Drink lots of cordial. OK so I know it should say water, but I genuinely dislike the taste of it. If people told me that it was really healthy to drink beer, I wouldn't drink it because it tastes gross, and I am like this with water. I LOVE cordial, and I always get the 'No Added Sugar' option (except with when I am maybe treating myself with ribena or vimto... just not the same!) but I must admit... I like my cordial strong. At one point in the distant past, I manage to ween myself off of cordial, and I'd either have just a drop or water, but I'm back to where I've begun now. Hopefully, my boyfriend is going to get me a Water Bobble for my birthday (which is in 26 days!!) and I will fall in love with water all over again!

- Take your time when eating. Recently, this has really helped me with my portion sizes. At uni, our plates are that big you can't even fit them in our microwave (it's actually quite ridiculous) so what would be a normal size meal, looks teeny, and even a large meal still looks small. Today, I cooked homemade lasagna for tea, with a few oven chips. My boyfriend literally rushed through his meal as if I'd never fed him before, and when he'd finished, I still had over half of my meal left. OK so they were probably big portions, but I ended up eating around 2/3rds of mine at the most, and felt proud of myself that I didn't feel the need to eat the rest just because it was there, or I had mindlessly shoveled it in my mouth without even thinking about it. I know they say put your knife and fork down in between each mouthful, but this is quite difficult when your used to eating quickly and obsessed with the food on your plate. So instead, just put it down every 3 mouthfuls, and don't take as big mouthfuls. I know you've probably heard all this before, but it really does help.

-You will fall off the bandwagon. None of us are perfect, and most of us definitely have those days when you think "All I want to eat is chocolate", but sometimes you need a chocolate day. Or a crisp day. I don't think I will ever be able to lose weight if I decide that I can never have a binge, the very thought would send me down to the corner shop to buy another bar of chocolate! But what you need to do is, not beat yourself up about it. It's so simple, I know (because I've done it) you'll have that sneaky bar (or 2) of chocolate and you'll just think "oh sod it, I've ruined it now" and go absolutely crazy. The good news is.... you haven't!! Everyone needs a bar of chocolate and a packet of crisps every now and then, don't beat yourself up about it.

Anyway, I'm going to weigh myself on Friday or Saturday morning (depending upon when I leave Lancaster) and I will let you know how my modest diet has gone on this week!

Smile every day,
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl

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