Monday 5 December 2011

Welcome Baby Isla!

Hey everyone!

So I have some exciting news to share with you all! My absolutely gorgeous niece, Isla (said eye-lah) was born at 2:08am on Saturday morning! A reason why I've not been on here for a while.

My sister was so strong, and had an amazing birth, and we got to go meet Isla Mae Florence Gregson when she was less than an hour old!!!
That night I had only 5 hours sleep, so I'm still very tired as I've not caught up yet. Anyway, less about me, more about Isla!!
She weighed 5lb and 15 ounces, so is an exceptionally tiny baby. She was very cold so my sister and niece didn't get to go home until yesterday.

Unfortunately, today they have been back in hospital as Isla turned purple and was shivering. She was exceptionally low body temperature and low blood sugars. She wasn't even crying she was that tired and had no energy, and went down to 5lb 10ounces. She had to be put in to an incubator and hooked up to lots of machines, and my sister has to stay with her at the hospital for the next few days until she is better. Thankfully, her temperature has raised and her blood sugar is perfect again. It's just maintaining it now...

So needless to say, I'm exhausted from all the emotional stress, and on top of that I have an academic poster due in on Friday, I am still volunteering in school once a week, next Monday and Tuesday I have my visit days to my new school, my printer broke so I've had to buy a new one, I'm now poor for Christmas, it's Kane's birthday on Thursday, and my dissertation is due in in January. Phew!!

So everybody please give your thoughts and prayers to Isla to get better,
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl

1 comment:

  1. she is beaut. love her little poutty lips! Hope she's getting better :) xoxo
